Astragalus membranaceus
The plant Astragalus membranaceus
Originally from China, Mongolia and Korea, Astragalus is a plant that grows up to three feet tall. Botanically known as Astragalus membranaceus, the yellow root has various medicinal uses.
This super herb has been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for thousands of years.
The University of Texas has shown that it is an adaptogen that causes viruses, bacteria and even cancer cells to "get on" the immune system's radar. In one study, Astragalus membranaceus was able to restore immune function in 90% of cancer patients studied!
Astragalus is a powerful "non-specific" immunomodulator. Rather than activating our defense system against a specific pathogen, it modulates immunity by increasing the number and activity of macrophages, migratory white blood cells that engulf invading organisms.
When a person is diagnosed with cancer, the ripple effect on the rest of their health can often cause more problems than the disease itself. Unfortunately, conventional cancer treatments can also cause this.
In one study, researchers examined the effects of astragalus on cancer patients with weakened immune systems as a result of chemotherapy. Patients who took astragalus supplements experienced faster recovery and improved survival rates.
Scientists studied the effects of astragalus in patients with cancer-related fatigue.
They discovered that the group that received pure astragalus extract showed significant improvements and concluded that it is a promising complementary treatment for cancer.
Chinese studies show that Astragalus improves the quality of life and overall immunity of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
The roots of the Astragalus plant are believed to stimulate the production of interferon. Interferon is an essential chemical that induces the proper functioning of the immune system. Interferon is also effective in fighting cell mutations and the development of cancer.
Astragalus has been proven to protect the immune system.
It is also revered for its ability to boost the immune system.
When cancer patients undergo chemotherapy, most of the drugs used often cause lower production of red and white blood cells in the body. This makes cancer patients more susceptible to infections and general illnesses that can quickly become serious. Astragalus allows the body to increase its white blood cell count, produce more antibodies and natural killer cells, strengthen its antiviral immunity, and increase the production of interferon.
Based on research at the University of Houston, the use of Astragalus increases the ability of T cells and NK cells to destroy tumors.
It activates interleukin-2, which kills cancer cells and relieves the side effects of chemotherapy such as immunosuppression, fatigue, nausea, weight loss and general weakness.
In tests at Hiroshima Medical School in Japan, Astragalus was shown to directly increase B-cell and T-cell levels, interleukin and antibody production.
But Astragalus not only increases the number of leukocytes, especially the "hunter" T cells; it also helps identify viruses, bacteria and other harmful cells.
Healthy heart
The diuretic effect of Astragalus flushes toxins from your body. Many studies have shown that high blood pressure is a contributing factor to heart disease. Astragalus supports the dilation of blood vessels, which can lower blood pressure naturally.
Regulates blood sugar
Patients with diabetes can safely rely on Astragalus to lower and balance their blood sugar levels. One study found that it normalized high blood sugar and increased low blood sugar.
Optimization of the immune system
Because Astragalus contains antibacterial and antiviral properties, it has been used effectively in TCM to treat allergies, colds, flu and respiratory diseases. -
Improves anemia
Early studies showed that Astragalus root improved blood counts in anemic patients, especially those with aplastic anemia. Although more research is needed regarding anemia, the initial results are promising.
Astragalus is a source of fascination for researchers and further studies are likely to discover additional uses in which this ancient plant can help.
The anti-cancerous activity of adaptogenic herb Astragalus membranaceus, PubMed, 2021 Aug 5
Astragalus membranaceus Extract Activates Immune Response in Macrophages via Heparanase, Molecules. 2012 Jun 13
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