Fragen und Antworten zu TA-65®, Telomere, Telomerase und die Wirkungen.
FAQ TA-65® capsules
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FAQ TA-65® for Skin
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FAQ Telomere Measurement
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Articles & Information
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Questions and answers about TA-65® capsules

Is there a risk of unwanted cell proliferation?

TA-65® is a single molecule found in the Astragalus plant.
Astragalus extracts have been safely consumed by humans for over a thousand years and are available in every vitamin shop.
The way TA-65® works is by activating the enzyme telomerase, which in turn affects the telomeres, which are located at the tips of each chromosome in every cell in the body.
Telomeres are the cellular clock of aging, every time a cell divides the telomeres get shorter. When telomeres get too short, cells can no longer divide and proliferate; they become old cells. Maintaining telomere health and length allows cells to divide and proliferate longer; they simply live and function longer.

However, if cells live longer, there is a theoretical concern that they could proliferate excessively. Therefore, TA-65® could theoretically stimulate unwanted growth and cell overpopulation. Of course, the goal of TA-65® is to keep healthy cells alive and functioning for as long as possible. But what about the possibility of making unhealthy cells live longer?

There is evidence to suggest that TA-65® boosts and strengthens the immune system, which scientists believe should address or suppress any cell overpopulation. Therefore, scientists believe the overall effect of TA-65® is positive in terms of cell proliferation.

In addition, a number of physical changes associated with age are believed to be due to the presence of short telomeres. TA-65® is specifically designed to promote overall cellular health and longevity by increasing telomere length or slowing telomere shortening. When telomerase is activated, the cellular burden of shortened telomeres is reduced.

In conclusion, given the lack of evidence, we believe that TA-65® does not cause unwanted human cell proliferation and that the potential beneficial effects of activating telomerase and maintaining healthy tissue functions outweigh any theoretical risk.

Is CA-98 comparable to TA-65®MD?

TA-65®MD only uses a unique, highly pure extract from the Astragalus membranaceus-moench root.
In contrast, CA-98 is an imitation that contains an unknown amount of Astragalus root extract along with plain Astragalus root powder and a questionable blend of several ingredients.
The percentage of active ingredient per capsule is questionable. The statement of 98% refers to the purity. The largest proportion will be simple Astragalus root powder.
There are statements that no effect can be detected after long-term use of CA-98.

One capsule of TA-65®MD contains 250 units of TA-65® Compound, i.e. 25 mg of ultra pure extract from Astragalus membranaceus moench, which - when taken daily - significantly lengthens telomeres. This was proven in a randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled study with 117 subjects.
The extremely complex and expensive process used by TA.Sciences allows the extract to be extracted and concentrated to obtain an active amount in the form of TA-65® Compound. TASciences uses a unique production process that is patented! All this justifies the relatively high price of TA-65®MD, the newest and purest version of TA-65®.
The products sold commercially, such as Astragalus powder or simply Astragalus extract, do not contain any detectable amount of the active extract.
In order to reach the recommended daily dose of TA-65®MD 250 units with Astragalus powder, one would have to take such large quantities that it would be almost impossible to manage, because Astragalus powder contains all the components of the root and only traces of the effective extract. 4 tons of powder are needed to produce 1 kg of concentrate.

TA-65®MD 250 units, 90 capsules cost €540. Taking just one such capsule daily results in significant telomerase activation and thus telomere lengthening, as already mentioned above.
In contrast, 90 capsules of CA-98 cost €366, with 2 to 4 capsules per day being recommended. This puts CA-98 far above the price of TA-65®MD, apart from the fact that no study has yet been able to prove significant effectiveness for CA-98 and the percentage of effectiveness per capsule is unknown.

Has this product been tested?

TASciences follows rigorous scientific procedures to ensure the safety and effectiveness of its products. For more than a decade, TASciences has conducted a number of studies, most notably an anti-aging study in 2005 to measure the effects of oral TA-65®. This study showed a reduction in the signs of aging after TA-65 was absorbed into the bloodstream. A 125-person safety study showed no adverse effects from daily use of TA-65®. More exciting testing news will be available soon as ongoing studies are completed.

What does science say about this product?

The presence of telomerase and the effects of telomere shortening are so fundamental to human aging and the diseases of aging that an entirely new branch of biology (The Biology of Telomeres) has emerged in the last two decades. The science of telomeres and telomerase activation is a new frontier, attracting some of the brightest scientific minds in the academic and pharmaceutical worlds. To maintain its leadership in telomerase activation, TASciences maintains unique relationships with leading biotech companies and thought leaders in the field of telomere biology. Dr. Calvin Harley, first discoverer of the telomere-aging link, works closely with TASciences to incorporate the latest scientific findings into its products. New working relationships have been established with several of the world's leading biologists in telomere science.

How is the quality of TA-65 ensured?

The quality and purity is guaranteed by a series of analytical tests. The description of the manufacturing process from start to finish:

TASciences harvests high potency Astragalus root from select farms. The material is refined in an exclusive plant extraction facility and sent for analytical testing to ensure purity.

This refined base material is sent to an FDA certified chemical laboratory where the material is further extracted and purified to yield over 97% purity of TA-65 extract. It is then subjected to a unique, patented scientific testing and further inspection for quality assurance.

The purified TA-65 is shipped and processed into capsules in a processing facility (certified to ensure purity, quality and potency). The TA-65 is blended with USP (United States Pharma) excipients (following best practices in the dietary supplement industry).

These and other high quality control programs ensure that the statements on the label are 100% accurate.

Are there any allergenic substances in the TA-65 capsules?

TA-65® contains no dairy products, eggs, gluten, corn, soy, wheat, sugar, starch, salt, preservatives, nanoparticles, artificial colors, flavors or fragrances.

Where does it come from and what is it?

TA-65 is a unique natural extract isolated from the Astragalus root. It is known as a telomerase activator. Most human cells have the potential to live much longer than they do. Some human cells have the potential to be immortal. Whether they "just live much longer" or are actually immortal depends on an enzyme that is present in all cells but has been "turned off." This enzyme is called telomerase and TA-65® can turn it on.

Is TA-65® a medicine?

TA-65® is a dietary supplement, not a drug. It activates telomerase and this helps cells function normally and healthily as we age. TA-65® is not a drug and does not claim to prevent or cure any disease.

Can you just take Astragalus or an Astragalus product?

The answer is definitely: NO! This was tested with a special laboratory that looks for substances that "switch on" telomerase.
TASciences publishes studies that show that there is no effect from commercially available products containing Astragalus root or Astragaloside. TA-65® is the only safe product with an effect. It has been tested extensively and always with the same result: it activates telomerase.

Other forms of Astragalus root and Astragaloside have been tested without effect.

Other supplements have also been tested at typical dosages with little or no effect.
Simply put, if you want to add length to your telomeres, you need to activate telomerase with enough power to get the performance that can add length to your telomeres.

TA-65® is the only product that can do this.

Is TA-65® scientifically supported?

TASciences is the first and only company in the world to offer telomerase activation products to combat the effects of cellular aging using cutting-edge science. After more than 10 years of rigorous research and development, TASciences is proud to commercialize the unique and potent TA-65 extract in TA-65MD®.

TA-65® sounds too good to be true?

How do I know that TA-65® is not just a fake like other anti-aging products?
TA-65® activates (tested and proven) telomerase.
Telomerase lengthens telomeres and longer telomeres allow cells to continue dividing and multiplying.

This study was conducted with 117 relatively healthy CMV (cytomegalovirus) positive subjects aged 53 to 87 years.
Patients taking the low dose (250 units/day) over 12 months had significantly increased telomere length, while patients in the placebo group lost telomere length.

The results suggest that TA-65® lengthens telomeres in a statistically and possibly clinically significant manner.

Pub Med 3/2016, English (PDF) Read the study here

Can “healthy living” also cause the formation of telomerase and lengthening of telomeres?

“Healthy living” does not cause telomerase activation and/or telomere lengthening.Healthy living protects telomeres from oxidative stress and reduces cell proliferation and thus telomere shortening.Meditation, carnosine, vitamin D and omega-3 (EPA/DHA), multivitamins and other factors reduce the rate of telomere shortening.One preparation that selectively lengthens telomeres of vascular endothelial cells is L-arginine by increasing the (local) production of NO (nitric oxide).See article: "Nitric Oxide Activates Telomerase and Delays Endothelial Senescence", Circulation Research 87, 540-542, 2000

Which plant is TA-65 made from?

TA-65 is a naturally occurring molecule in an ancient Chinese medicinal plant. Known to most of China's 1.3 billion people, it can be purchased in any traditional Chinese herbal shop. Important health facts about this plant have long been known, but never before has the TA-65 active ingredient been isolated and purified.

Why can't you just take the cheaper version from the vitamin shop?

To answer this question, four commercially available products were tested to determine the amount of TA-65 they contained and whether it was present at all. In all four cases, the testing laboratory was unable to detect any TA-65. The concentration was 1:1 million. This is not surprising, as the TA-65 extract is not only rare, but is also usually destroyed in the extraction processes of Chinese processing plants. TASciences uses a unique production process, the development of which has taken years of research and several million US dollars. TASciences has received several patents related to this technology over the years.

What are telomeres?

Telomeres are buffers, protective pieces of DNA at the ends of every chromosome in every cell in the body. Imagine a lace with a plastic end piece that holds the "fringe" of the tip together. This is how a telomere works and looks. A shoelace frays without the protective cap, in the same way the genetic material of the chromosome deteriorates if it is not protected by the telomere of a certain length at the tip.

What is telomerase activation?

Telomerase is a naturally occurring enzyme in the body and a crucial health factor in the cell. It maintains the protective telomeres at the ends of all chromosomes. Scientific studies have shown that controlled activation of telomerase in normal cells can increase telomere length and thus improve functional capacity and promote cell longevity. The potency of telomerase activation of TA-65® extract has been demonstrated in various rigorous tests by independent laboratories.

Questions and answers about TA-65® for Skin

Is TA-65® Skin intended as a stand-alone skin care product?

TA-65® for Skin is not intended to replace any other product or products.
Basic daily skin care should be maintained.

TA-65® for Skin is a product that has been shown in clinical studies to reduce wrinkles and crow's feet, improve inflamed red skin and improve skin firmness. (No other products were used during the studies).

Could TA-65® for Skin interact negatively with other skin products (moisturizers) and therefore not be mixed with them?

TA-65® for Skin has not been tested with other products, but it should be compatible with other skin cream products.

Is TA-65® for Skin intended to be used together with other skin products such as moisturizers, peels, eye creams and day creams?

TA-65® for Skin should be used together with other skin products.

What is the recommended order of application of the products related to TA-65® Skin Care: moisturizer or TA-65® Skin first, or in another order?

When using TA-65® for Skin together with other products, we recommend applying TA-65® for Skin first to clean, dry skin.

Are there any precautions needed when using TA-65® for Skin with sun exposure? Should sunscreen be used?

All topical products without a sun protection factor should be used together with a sunscreen if the skin is to be exposed to the sun.

Should the facial skin be dry, moist or wet before application?

Experience only exists when used on dry skin.

Should TA-65® for Skin be gently massaged into the skin like a thin film?

Gently massaging it into the skin improves absorption.

Should TA-65® for Skin only be applied to problem areas such as wrinkles etc.?

It is recommended to apply TA-65® for Skin to the entire face, not just problem areas. The area directly around the eyes should be avoided.

After using TA-65® for Skin for the first time, Mary immediately noticed more “freckles” from previous sun exposure and a dryness effect. After 3 days without cream, she used the cream a second time and noticed increased skin dryness

No studies have been conducted to date to evaluate the effects of TA-65® for Skin on sun-damaged skin.

FAQ Telomere Measurement

When can I expect the results?

You will receive the results within 4 to 6 weeks after sending the sample to Life Length and can then schedule a consultation with Life Length.

Where can I find the online questionnaire?

Please go to http://www.lifelength-questionnaire.com/ and use the login details provided in your test kit.

When does the blood sample need to be sent?

Samples can only be sent from Monday to Wednesday.
For shipping instructions, see the "Instructions" included with the test kit.
Please also refer to Life Length's laboratory closing calendar included with the test kit to avoid sending samples on holidays.

Do I have to fill out the online questionnaire?

The online questionnaire is not mandatory, but we recommend that you complete it to receive a more personalized results report.
The registration details are indicated on the "For Patients" label.
To ensure you receive your results report on time, it is important that you complete the questionnaire at about the same time that your blood is drawn, or indicate on your test request form that you will not complete the questionnaire.

How much blood needs to be taken?

Important: Shipping must take place within a temperature range of 2ºC to 8ºC.
For this reason, we provide a special kit and a gel pack that must be frozen at least 24 hours before the blood collection in order to be able to transport the blood chilled.

What is the relationship between biological and chronological age and what can we learn from our telomeres?

Not all individuals age at the same rate, even though they have the same chronological age. Therefore, it is important to identify molecular markers (other than chronological age) that estimate the degree of aging of the organism.
This information is useful for health professionals and individuals alike to detect early developments of age-related problems and to take into account lifestyle changes (eg obesity and smoking have been shown to accelerate telomere attrition, while exercise and good nutrition slow it down). We should follow our telomere dynamics over the years by taking advantage of potential telomerase activators.
Ample evidence shows that telomere length is a good indicator of the degree of aging of the organism.

What are the factors that affect the length of my telomeres?

Genetic predisposition and lifestyle are the two most important factors that influence telomere length and the rate of telomere shortening.
Certain lifestyle habits have been strongly linked to long and short telomeres.
Examples are smoking, obesity and psychological stress. These three factors increase oxidative stress and inflammatory reactions, resulting in rapid telomere erosion.
Other factors such as eating habits, exercise and sleep also tend to influence biological aging.
Current therapies based on telomerase activation, e.g. TA-65® capsules, have been developed to achieve rejuvenation.
Measuring telomere length is necessary to determine whether these therapies effectively improve telomere length.

Why do I need to know my biological age?

First, it is an excellent indicator of overall health.
Second, knowing our biological age allows us to gain a better understanding of our lifestyle habits that affect aging, and provides us with the opportunity to make appropriate changes and measure the results through periodic re-testing.
Third, Life Length Telomere Analysis (TAT) technology will enable personalized medicine, allowing doctors to treat their patients taking into account their biological age.

How is it calculated?

Life Length describes biological age using a mathematical formula that takes into account the individual's chronological age group, which is then evaluated by the result of telomere length.

How often should I have my telomeres measured?

We recommend that individuals interested in monitoring their telomere length repeat this measurement annually. Six-month periods may be considered if significant lifestyle changes have occurred.

What if I get a "bad" result? What can I do?

The report provides detailed information about your total telomere length up to and including your 20th percentile, as well as a statistically estimated biological age.
Knowing that you have a low 20th percentile average is like knowing that you have, for example, high cholesterol, which is influenced by certain lifestyle choices.
We recommend that you seek professional medical advice to make changes that may enable you to slow telomere attrition and even potentially lengthen telomeres, thereby slowing biological aging.
For individuals with values ​​of unusually short telomere length, the result may be due to a traumatic event, illness, or other stressful event that temporarily affects the length of telomeres reflected by the blood cells being measured.
These people should take the measurement at intervals of 6 months instead of once a year.

Articles and information

Long telomeres - low cancer risk

In a prospective study, researchers from Austria measured the telomere length of 787 healthy participants. 92 developed cancer within ten years. The cancer rate was 60 percent higher than average in those with short telomeres and five times higher than in those with long telomeres.

Ärzte Zeitung 07.07.2010
Read the full article here

Spiegel online - Science

Report from May 3, 2004: “Suspicion confirmed: Telomeres control life expectancy.”

(German) Read PDF here

Age research – lecture by a Nobel Prize winner in Jena

Nobel Prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn gave a lecture in Jena about her research on aging.

The Leibniz Institute for Age Research and the Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI) organized a very special lecture for students and scientists as part of their monthly colloquia: On September 26, Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn gave a lecture in Jena on telomeres, telomerase and aging. Why was this lecture so special? Elizabeth Blackburn was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 2009 for her research - and she spoke about her research in Jena.

read here

Harper's Bazaar Magazine, The new youth pill

Harper's Bazaar Magazine
The new youth pill that works wonders for your skin. October 2011

(engl.) read here (PDF)

Suzanne Somers "Bombshell"

Suzanne Somers "Bombshell"
Excerpt from her new book, "Explosive medical secrets that will redefine aging"
May 2012 (English) read here (PDF)

Article about "The new Anti-Aging Pill" in ELLE magazine.

ELLE Magazine

An article in the August 2011 issue about “The new Anti-Aging Pill”.
Telomeres, telomerase, TA-65® and aging are discussed here.

(engl.) read here (PDF)

Telomerase Activation Sciences, Inc. The producer of TA-65®

Telomerase Activation Sciences, Inc. The producer of TA-65®

Suicide - education is necessary!

A slightly different topic, but very important:
Every year, 10,000 people die by suicide in Germany, more than from traffic accidents, drugs and AIDS combined.
600 of them are teenagers or young adults.
Suicide remains one of the most common causes of death among young people.

If there is knowledge and discussion about it, that is the first step in preventing suicide.

You can find out more here: