TA-65 Skin

TA-65® for Skin Skin Care
Scientifically based - dermatologically tested - the TA-65® for Skin Telomerase Complex is proven for:
1. Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles
2. Protecting skin moisture
3. Improve skin firmness
4. Reduction of skin redness
and an improvement in skin contrast
Properties and benefits of the unique complex TA-65® for Skin:
• With skin lipid concentrates for improved
Barrier function of the skin
• Increase the bioavailability of ceramides
by more than 38%
• Leaves skin feeling non-greasy
• Optimized delivery of active ingredients for skin care
• Contains ingredients for the formation of liposomes
Based on advances in the emerging field of telomere biology, TA-65® for Skin delivers benefits at the cellular level. The exclusive, patented formula, developed for over 15 years, is validated by multiple clinical studies.
TA-65® for Skin improves complexion with the cumulative benefits of cellular nutrition, color balance and free radical detoxification. It provides cosmetic benefits throughout all layers of the skin. TA-65® for Skin is the first and only skin care product to contain the patented TA-65® compound.
TA-65® for Skin eliminates reactive oxygen species (free radicals) and supports physiologically balanced (and healthier) oxidation in the skin. Free radicals damage cellular components such as DNA, proteins and lipids, leading to the appearance of age spots and wrinkles. Daily use of TA-65® for Skin can minimize or eliminate free radicals in the skin and protect it from free radical damage.
TA-65® for the skin: Improves the appearance of the skin
Overexposure to UV and visible light causes preclinical (not yet visible or noticeable) damage to the skin. Preclinical damage accounts for 90% of potential age-related cosmetic skin problems. The skin protects itself against preclinical damage with antioxidants. TA-65®, a plant-based ingredient, significantly increases antioxidant reserves and thus increases the skin's protection.
TA-65® for Skin improves skin texture, uneven pigmentation and spotty complexion.
TA-65® for Skin offers great advantages for "damaged" skin, i.e. after injuries, operations and especially sun-damaged skin (tanning beds) etc.:
There are scars that are barely visible and those that are large and therefore perceived as disturbing.
If only the top layer of skin, the epidermis, is affected, the skin repairs itself by dividing to form new skin cells. However, this is only guaranteed if the telomeres of the skin cells are still long enough. Old skin cells only do a 'sloppy' job.
If the deeper layer of the dermis is affected, the damaged tissue is replaced by a scar, which consists of collagen fibers produced by our fibroblasts. But the collagen and elastin production of the fibroblasts also slows down with age as the telomeres become shorter.
The more new collagen can be formed, the less the scar stands out from the healthy skin.
This means: As long as we succeed in lengthening the telomeres of our skin cells and fibroblasts with TA-65®, we can replace missing skin cells and increase collagen production in our fibroblasts.
TA-65® for Skin can deliver the TA-65® molecule in higher concentrations into the skin cells through local application by applying it to the affected skin area several times a day.
Due to the increased cell division, the time it takes for the skin to regenerate or heal is shortened.
TA-65®MD capsules or tablets have a systemic effect and thus lengthen the telomeres in various cell types, resulting in rejuvenation not only of our skin organ, but also of other organs such as the heart, brain, lungs, joints, vessels, etc.
The best treatment for damaged skin is certainly a combination of both.
For your skin

Do you have further questions? Click here to see an overview of all questions and answers.
After using TA-65® for Skin for the first time, Mary immediately noticed more “freckles” from previous sun exposure and a dryness effect. After 3 days without cream, she used the cream a second time and noticed increased skin dryness
No studies have been conducted to date to evaluate the effects of TA-65® for Skin on sun-damaged skin.
Should TA-65® for Skin only be applied to problem areas such as wrinkles etc.?
It is recommended to apply TA-65® for Skin to the entire face, not just problem areas. The area directly around the eyes should be avoided.
Should TA-65® for Skin be gently massaged into the skin like a thin film?
Gently massaging it into the skin improves absorption.
Should the facial skin be dry, moist or wet before application?
Experience only exists when used on dry skin.
Are there any precautions needed when using TA-65® for Skin with sun exposure? Should sunscreen be used?
All topical products without a sun protection factor should be used together with a sunscreen if the skin is to be exposed to the sun.
What is the recommended order of application of the products related to TA-65® Skin Care: moisturizer or TA-65® Skin first, or in another order?
When using TA-65® for Skin together with other products, we recommend applying TA-65® for Skin first to clean, dry skin.
Is TA-65® for Skin intended to be used together with other skin products such as moisturizers, peels, eye creams and day creams?
TA-65® for Skin should be used together with other skin products.
Could TA-65® for Skin interact negatively with other skin products (moisturizers) and therefore not be mixed with them?
TA-65® for Skin has not been tested with other products, but it should be compatible with other skin cream products.
Is TA-65® Skin intended as a stand-alone skin care product?
TA-65® for Skin is not intended to replace any other product or products.
Basic daily skin care should be maintained.
TA-65® for Skin is a product that has been shown in clinical studies to reduce wrinkles and crow's feet, improve inflamed red skin and improve skin firmness. (No other products were used during the studies).